#27: Dr. Ford Dyke

The Habits of Health and Optimal Performance

Welcome to another episode of Sauce Talk, a podcast about sports, the mind, and living well in general. Today’s podcast is part two of my interview with Dr. Ford Dyke.

Ford studied psychology at the University of North Florida, and then earned his PHD in kinesiology at Auburn University. He’s now a professor and the Director of Mindfulness-Based Performance and Health Optimization at Auburn. He’s also an Olympic team handball player for the United States.

In this episode we speak about covid-19 being an opportunity to make lifestyle changes, morning and evening routines, getting better sleep, cold exposure, caffeine, alcohol, phones and social media, mindful movement, and other topics. We finish by speaking about Ford’s experience playing handball for Team USA in the Olympics.

Episode Notes and Resources:

Work with Ford: Perfor[hu]manceinfo.com

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