#36: Barry Gillespie

Renunciation, Morality vs. Virtue, Debt, Daily Meditation Practice, and More

Barry Gillespie is a wood worker, painter, and meditation teacher in Boulder Colorado. He’s my primary meditation teacher, and I highly recommend his teachings and his meditation retreats.

In this episode we speak about renunciation, the differences between morality and virtue, the importance of discipline in meditation practice, the boundaries between meditation practice and life in general, monasticism contrasted with being a “householder”, abusive meditation teachers, psychedelic drugs and their utility (or nonutility) in spiritual development, and practical meditation advice.

Connect with Barry and see his teaching schedule, both online and in person.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

My book, Harder than I Thought, Easier Than I Feared - SPORTS, ANXIETY, AND THE POWER OF MEDITATION is available.

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